→ Issues Overview
Last but not least edition for 2024
Rail transport law and policy
- UNCITRAL Model Law on Automated Contracting finalized by the UN Commission on International Trade Law
- Convention on the contract for international carriage of goods by rail as a first Convention in a system of Unified Railway Law Conventions (URL Convention)
- Luxembourg Rail Protocol extended scope
Passenger Traffic
- CIV Working Group focuses on developments in EU legislation and at international level
- Meeting between CIT and European Passenger Federation
- CIT hosts COLPOFER Fraud/Ticket Forgery group meeting in Bern, Switzerland
Freight Traffic
Use of infrastructure
Law and Practice
CIT itself
- Annual General Assembly 2024
- CIT, a venerable organisation but a young association, marks its 20 year anniversary …
- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the CIT

Dear readers,
The last days of 2024 are approaching.
2025 will bring about changes in many areas.
A new European Commissioner for transport, Apostolos Tzitzikostas but also a farewell to the ERA Executive Director, Josef Doppelbauer.
CIT will continue providing you with the support you expect in 2025. In 2024, we held 18 events and meetings, in addition to several training sessions. More to come next year.
This last issue of CIT-News in 2024 underlines the recent trends in railway law.
We start with a summary of the recent Model Law on automated contracting and the current ratification process of the Convention on Unified Railway Law.
Then, in Passenger traffic, the growth of the AJC membership and the results of the most recent CIV Working Group are presented.
Among recent activities in Freight traffic, we cover the most recent meetings of the CIM Working Group and the Expert groups on Seals and Dangerous Goods and Waste, held in cooperation with UIC.
As each semester, some updates of CIT products are now online on our website, such as MIRT, AIV, AJC and GCC CIV/PRR.
This issue also describes the outcome of the recent CUI Committee.
Then there are a number of recent case studies in freight traffic which we thought it interesting to describe.
Save the date for upcoming events in 2025 such as the Data Protection Conference on 12 June, presenting also an expanded review of data matters.
As you may know, 2024 is the 20th anniversary of CIT as an independent association, registered in Bern on 1 January 2004, after being successively hosted by Austrian railways then by Swiss railways since 1902. This issue briefly recaps this second phase in the life of CIT.
The CIT team wishes you all, your families and colleagues, season’s greetings.
Gilles Mugnier