CIT documentation
On the basis of the laws in force, CIT develops a series of documents simplifying and standardising the international carriage of passengers by rail.
Jan. 15, 2025
CIT Confirmation of delay/cancellation/missing the connection in editable format
1 page
Jan. 1, 2025
Info-table: Provisions for dangerous goods carried by passengers on board of trains
Edition 1 January 2025
1 page
Jan. 1, 2025
Notice concerning the carriage of dangerous goods in passenger trains* (ad point 7.2 of the GCC-CIV/PRR)
This notice is intended to draw the attention of passengers to the restrictions on the carriage of dangerous goods as hand luggage or registered luggage, or in or on board vehicles (car on train).
The references to the complete set of applicable regulations may be found in of the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail - RID (Appendix C to COTIF).
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 January 2025
5 pages
Jan. 1, 2025
List of CIT members which derogate from the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR)
List of CIT members who have declared to not apply the GCC-CIV/PRR to national and/or international contracts of carriage with travellers.
Edition 1 January 2025
1 page
Dec. 15, 2024
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2024
15 pages
Dec. 15, 2024
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers - accessible version
The CIT provides the GCC-CIV/PRR in this accessible version.
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2024
15 pages
Dec. 15, 2024
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 15 December 2024
Dec. 15, 2024
Agreement concerning the Relationships between Transport Undertakings in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail
The AIV governs the relationships between transport undertakings providing international passenger traffic by rail; it is based on the CIV Uniform Rules. It provides for standardised handling of claims from passengers for personal injury and death, missing the last connection of the day, delay, cancellation and other missed connections, other service failures and applications for refunds. It governs paying damages and other compensation payments to passengers and sets down the criteria for sharing costs between the carriers.
Undertakings which apply the AIV
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2024
52 pages
Dec. 15, 2024
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT) provides CIT members with an introduction and the necessary standards to issuing international tickets. It is primarily addressed to the staff of railway undertakings who have to deal with the law of carriage, with the issuing of international tickets, with checking those tickets and with customer service.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2024
185 pages
Dec. 15, 2024
Glossary of terms
The Glossary explains the technical terms used in the various CIT documents and gives a translation into the CIT’s other two official languages.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2024
19 pages
Aug. 29, 2024
AJC Note
This AJC Note was drafted in collaboration between the CIT and the European Passenger Federation (EPF). It is intended as a lay-person’s informal guide to what to do if passengers miss their connection on an international journey and want to benefit from the AJC. Further details about the AJC can also be found in the AJC Leaflet on this website.
Date: 1 September 2024
Aug. 29, 2024
AJC Leaflet
This Leaflet on the Agreement on Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC) is to summarise the content of the AJC and to give passengers an overview of what the participating railway undertakings have agreed to in the form of a commercial gesture.
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey
Date: 1 September 2024
June 24, 2024
Guidelines on the EU Claim form
The European Commission adopted the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/949 establishing a common form for rail passengers’ reimbursement and compensation requests for delays, missed connections and cancellations of rail services which applies as of 2 July 2024.
The guidelines are intended to provide CIT members with an understanding of the legal background, the obligations of railway undertakings, the rights of passengers in this respect, and to provide practical guidance for the seamless implementation of the new implementing regulation.
These guidelines are merely considerations of the CIT General Secretariat and the CIV Working Group and are not binding on CIT members.
Applicable with effect from 24 June 2024.
5 pages, English edition only
June 7, 2023
Manual for Cooperation Contracts in international Passenger Traffic by Rail (MCOOP)
The MCOOP contains a boilerplate contract and general terms and conditions (GTC) as well as commentaries to these legal instruments which cover the most important legal issues arising from international cooperation of railway undertakings to provide carriage of passengers. It should contribute to legal certainty for international passenger traffic by rail, establish a single set of principles and permit coordinated and efficient management of contracts. The MCOOP is intended foremost for railway lawyers and specialists dealing with organisation and setting up the legal rules for cooperation between railway undertakings.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 7 June 2023
80 pages
Appendix 1 : Boilerplate Contract for Cooperation in providing International Carriage of Passengers by Rail
Appendix 2 : Specimen Appendices I – V to the Contract for Cooperating
Appendix 3 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Successive Carriage (GTC Successive Carriage)
Appendix 4 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Substitute Carriage (GTC substitute carriage)
Dec. 15, 2019
Information on the CIT security background 2012 to be passed on to third parties in a tendering process
1 page
July 1, 2019
Notice concerning the carriage of dangerous goods in passenger trains* (ad point 7.2 of the GCC-CIV/PRR)
This notice is intended to draw the attention of passengers to the restrictions on the carriage of dangerous goods as hand luggage or registered luggage, or in or on board vehicles (car on train).
The references to the complete set of applicable regulations may be found in of the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail - RID (Appendix C to COTIF).
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 July 2019
5 pages
July 1, 2019
Info-table: Provisions for dangerous goods carried by passengers on board of trains
Edition 1 July 2019
1 page
Dec. 10, 2023
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The CIT provides the GCC-CIV/PRR in this accessible version.
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 10 December 2023
15 pages
Dec. 10, 2023
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 10 December 2023
15 pages
Aug. 29, 2024
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 September 2024
Dec. 10, 2023
Agreement concerning the Relationships between Transport Undertakings in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail
The AIV governs the relationships between transport undertakings providing international passenger traffic by rail; it is based on the CIV Uniform Rules. It provides for standardised handling of claims from passengers for personal injury and death, missing the last connection of the day, delay, cancellation and other missed connections, other service failures and applications for refunds. It governs paying damages and other compensation payments to passengers and sets down the criteria for sharing costs between the carriers.
Undertakings which apply the AIV
Applicable with effect from 10 December 2023
51 pages
Appendix 1: Accident declaration
Appendix 2: Allocation of delay compensation - statement
Annex 1 to Appendix 2: RCF1 letter on accounting aspects of the allocation of delay compensation
Appendix 3: Specimen form to exchange dossiers
Appendix 4: Specimen form to exchange information on delayed trains
Appendix 5: Agreement on access to TIS/Europtirails’ data on international passenger trains
Annex 1 to Appendix 5: List of the persons responsible for the application of CIT’s multilateral agreement on access to TIS data on international passenger trains within each undertaking (point 1 of the agreement)
Dec. 10, 2023
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT) provides CIT members with an introduction and the necessary standards to issuing international tickets. It is primarily addressed to the staff of railway undertakings who have to deal with the law of carriage, with the issuing of international tickets, with checking those tickets and with customer service.
Applicable with effect from 10 December 2023
183 pages
Appendix 1: Remarks and endorsements on tickets and useful terms in international ticket distribution
Appendix 2: Boilerplate contract for a sub-license between a CIT member and a third party with respect to the use of the CIT security background
Appendix 3: Replacement and fall-back tickets
Appendix 4: Checklist of information which can be used for all kinds of international tickets independently of their fulfilment method
Dec. 10, 2023
Glossary of terms
The Glossary explains the technical terms used in the various CIT documents and gives a translation into the CIT’s other two official languages.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2019 / Edition 10 December 2023
20 pages
April 15, 2024
AJC Note
This AJC Note was drafted in collaboration between the CIT and the European Passenger Federation (EPF). It is intended as a lay-person’s informal guide to what to do if passengers miss their connection on an international journey and want to benefit from the AJC. Further details about the AJC can also be found in the AJC Leaflet on this website.
Date: 15 April 2024
April 15, 2024
AJC Leaflet
This Leaflet on the Agreement on Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC) is to summarise the content of the AJC and to give passengers an overview of what the participating railway undertakings have agreed to in the form of a commercial gesture.
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey
Date: 15 April 2024
3 pages
Feb. 1, 2024
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 10 december 2023
60 pages
Feb. 1, 2024
AJC Leaflat
This Leaflet on the Agreement on Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC) is to summarise the content of the AJC and to give passengers an overview of what the participating railway undertakings have agreed to in the form of a commercial gesture.
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Edition 1. February 2024
3 pages
Dec. 10, 2023
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 10 december 2023
59 pages
Jan. 1, 2024
AJC - Appendix 1
List of participating railway undertakings and contact persons (point 1.2.3 AJC)
Edition 01 January 2024
2 pages
Jan. 1, 2024
AJC - Appendix 2
Samples of delay confirmation and stamps for continuation (point 2.3.2 AJC)
Edition 01 January 2024
43 pages
Jan. 1, 2024
AJC - Appendix 3
Conditions for continuation (point 2.4.3 AJC)
Edition 01 January 2024
7 pages
Jan. 1, 2024
AJC - Appendix 4
Information leaflet for railway personnel (point 2.4.4 AJC)
Edition 01 January 2024
3 pages
Jan. 1, 2024
AJC Leaflet
This Leaflet on the Agreement on Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC) is to summarise the content of the AJC and to give passengers an overview of what the participating railway undertakings have agreed to in the form of a commercial gesture.
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Edition 01 January 2024
3 pages
Dec. 15, 2019
Glossary of terms
The Glossary explains the technical terms used in the various CIT documents and gives a translation into the CIT’s other two official languages.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2019 / Edition 15 December 2019
15 pages
June 7, 2023
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT) provides CIT members with an introduction and the necessary standards to issuing international tickets. It is primarily addressed to the staff of railway undertakings who have to deal with the law of carriage, with the issuing of international tickets, with checking those tickets and with customer service.
Applicable with effect from 7 June 2023
188 pages
Appendix 1: Remarks and endorsements on tickets and useful terms in international ticket distribution
Appendix 2: Boilerplate contract for a sub-license between a CIT member and a third party with respect to the use of the CIT security background
Appendix 3: Replacement and fall-back tickets
Appendix 4: Checklist of information which can be used for all kinds of international tickets independently of their fulfilment method
June 7, 2023
Agreement concerning the Relationships between Transport Undertakings in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail
The AIV governs the relationships between transport undertakings providing international passenger traffic by rail; it is based on the CIV Uniform Rules. It provides for standardised handling of claims from passengers for personal injury and death, missing the last connection of the day, delay, cancellation and other missed connections, other service failures and applications for refunds. It governs paying damages and other compensation payments to passengers and sets down the criteria for sharing costs between the carriers.
Undertakings which apply the AIV
Applicable with effect from 7 June 2023
51 pages
Appendix 1: Accident declaration
Appendix 2: Allocation of delay compensation - statement
Annex 1 to Appendix 2: RCF1 letter on accounting aspects of the allocation of delay compensation
Appendix 3: Specimen form to exchange dossiers
Appendix 4: Specimen form to exchange information on delayed trains
Appendix 5: Agreement on access to TIS/Europtirails’ data on international passenger trains
Annex 1 to Appendix 5: List of the persons responsible for the application of CIT’s multilateral agreement on access to TIS data on international passenger trains within each undertaking (point 1 of the agreement)
Nov. 1, 2023
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 November 2023
58 pages
Nov. 1, 2023
AJC - Appendix 1
List of participating railway undertakings and contact persons (point 1.2.3 AJC)
Edition 1 November 2023
2 pages
Nov. 1, 2023
AJC - Appendix 2
Samples of delay confirmation and stamps for continuation (point 2.3.2 AJC)
Edition 1 November 2023
43 pages
Nov. 1, 2023
AJC - Appendix 3
Conditions for continuation (point 2.4.3 AJC)
Edition 1 November 2023
6 pages
June 7, 2023
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 7 June 2023
14 pages
June 7, 2023
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The CIT provides the GCC-CIV/PRR in this accessible version.
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 7 June 2023
14 pages
April 1, 2023
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 April 2023
53 pages
Dec. 10, 2023
AJC - Appendix 1
List of participating railway undertakings and contact persons (point 1.2.3 AJC)
Edition 10 December 2023
2 pages
June 7, 2023
AJC - Appendix 2
Samples of delay confirmation and stamps for continuation (point 2.3.2 AJC)
Edition 7 June 2023
42 pages
June 7, 2023
AJC - Appendix 3
Conditions for continuation (point 2.4.3 AJC)
Edition 7 June 2023
6 pages
April 1, 2023
AJC - Appendix 4
Information leaflet for railway personnel (point 2.4.4 AJC)
Edition 13 December 2020
2 pages
Dec. 12, 2021
Manual for Cooperation Contracts in international Passenger Traffic by Rail (MCOOP)
The MCOOP contains a boilerplate contract and general terms and conditions (GTC) as well as commentaries to these legal instruments which cover the most important legal issues arising from international cooperation of railway undertakings to provide carriage of passengers. It should contribute to legal certainty for international passenger traffic by rail, establish a single set of principles and permit coordinated and efficient management of contracts. The MCOOP is intended foremost for railway lawyers and specialists dealing with organisation and setting up the legal rules for cooperation between railway undertakings.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 12 December 2021
82 pages
Appendix 1 : Boilerplate Contract for Cooperation in providing International Carriage of Passengers by Rail
Appendix 2 : Specimen Appendices I – V to the Contract for Cooperating
Appendix 3 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Successive Carriage (GTC Successive Carriage)
Appendix 4 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Substitute Carriage (GTC substitute carriage)
Dec. 12, 2021
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT) provides CIT members with an introduction and the necessary standards to issuing international tickets. It is primarily addressed to the staff of railway undertakings who have to deal with the law of carriage, with the issuing of international tickets, with checking those tickets and with customer service.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2019 / Edition 12 December 2021
199 pages
Appendix 1: Remarks and endorsements on tickets and useful terms in international ticket distribution
Appendix 2: Boilerplate contract for a sub-license between a CIT member and a third party with respect to the use of the CIT security background
Appendix 3: Replacement and fall-back tickets
Appendix 4: Checklist of information which can be used for all kinds of international tickets independently of their fulfilment method
Dec. 11, 2022
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 11 December 2022
11 pages
July 1, 2019
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types.In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 July 2019
11 pages
Jan. 1, 2023
List of CIT members which derogate from the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR)
List of CIT members who have declared to not apply the GCC-CIV/PRR to national and/or international contracts of carriage with travellers.
Edition 1 January 2023
1 page
Dec. 13, 2020
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 13 December 2020
47 pages
Sept. 27, 2022
AJC Leaflet
This Leaflet on the Agreement on Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC) is to summarise the content of the AJC and to give passengers an overview of what the participating railway undertakings have agreed to in the form of a commercial gesture.
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Edition 1 April 2023
3 pages
March 1, 2016
Manual for Cooperation Contracts in international Passenger Traffic by Rail (MCOOP)
The MCOOP contains a boilerplate contract and general terms and conditions (GTC) as well as commentaries to these legal instruments which cover the most important legal issues arising from international cooperation of railway undertakings to provide carriage of passengers. It should contribute to legal certainty for international passenger traffic by rail, establish a single set of principles and permit coordinated and efficient management of contracts. The MCOOP is intended foremost for railway lawyers and specialists dealing with organisation and setting up the legal rules for cooperation between railway undertakings.
Applicable with effect from 1 March 2016
55 pages
Appendix 1 : Boilerplate Contract for Cooperation in providing International Carriage of Passengers by Rail
Appendix 2 : Specimen Appendices I – V to the Contract for Cooperating
Appendix 3 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Successive Carriage (GTC Successive Carriage)
Appendix 4 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Substitute Carriage (GTC substitute carriage)
Dec. 12, 2021
Agreement concerning the Relationships between Transport Undertakings in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail
The AIV governs the relationships between transport undertakings providing international passenger traffic by rail; it is based on the CIV Uniform Rules. It provides for standardised handling of claims from passengers for personal injury and death, missing the last connection of the day, delay, cancellation and other missed connections, other service failures and applications for refunds. It governs paying damages and other compensation payments to passengers and sets down the criteria for sharing costs between the carriers.
Undertakings which apply the AIV
Applicable with effect from 9 December 2018 / Edition 13 December 2020
59 pages
Appendix 1: Accident declaration
Appendix 2: Allocation of delay compensation - statement
Annex 1 to Appendix 2: RCF1 letter on accounting aspects of the allocation of delay compensation
Appendix 3: Specimen form to exchange dossiers
Appendix 4: Specimen form to exchange information on delayed trains
Appendix 5: Agreement on access to TIS/Europtirails’ data on international passenger trains
Annex 1 to Appendix 5: List of the persons responsible for the application of CIT’s multilateral agreement on access to TIS data on international passenger trains within each undertaking (point 1 of the agreement)
Dec. 13, 2020
AJC - Appendix 1
List of participating railway undertakings and contact persons (point 1.2.3 AJC)
Edition 13 December 2020
2 pages
Dec. 13, 2020
AJC - Appendix 2
Samples of delay confirmation and stamps for continuation (point 2.3.2 AJC)
Edition 13 December 2020
33 pages
Dec. 13, 2020
AJC - Appendix 3
Conditions for continuation (point 2.4.3 AJC)
Edition 13 December 2020
6 pages
Dec. 13, 2020
AJC - Appendix 4
Information leaflet for railway personnel (point 2.4.4 AJC)
Edition 13 December 2020
6 pages
Nov. 13, 2020
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT) provides CIT members with an introduction and the necessary standards to issuing international tickets. It is primarily addressed to the staff of railway undertakings who have to deal with the law of carriage, with the issuing of international tickets, with checking those tickets and with customer service.
Applicable with effect from 15 December 2019 / Edition 13 December 2020
199 pages
Appendix 1: Remarks and endorsements on tickets and useful terms in international ticket distribution
Appendix 2: Boilerplate contract for a sub-license between a CIT member and a third party with respect to the use of the CIT security background
Appendix 3: Replacement and fall-back tickets
Appendix 4: Checklist of information which can be used for all kinds of international tickets independently of their fulfilment method
Dec. 15, 2019
Agreement concerning the Relationships between Transport Undertakings in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail
The AIV governs the relationships between transport undertakings providing international passenger traffic by rail; it is based on the CIV Uniform Rules. It provides for standardised handling of claims from passengers for personal injury and death, missing the last connection of the day, delay, cancellation and other missed connections, other service failures and applications for refunds. It governs paying damages and other compensation payments to passengers and sets down the criteria for sharing costs between the carriers.
Undertakings which apply the AIV
Applicable with effect from 9 December 2018 / Edition 15 December 2019
53 pages
Appendix 1: Accident declaration
Appendix 2: Allocation of delay compensation - statement
Annex 1 to Appendix 2: RCF1 letter on accounting aspects of the allocation of delay compensation
Appendix 3: Specimen form to exchange dossiers
Appendix 4: Specimen form to exchange information on delayed trains
Appendix 5: Agreement on access to TIS/Europtirails’ data on international passenger trains
Annex 1 to Appendix 5: List of the persons responsible for the application of CIT’s multilateral agreement on access to TIS data on international passenger trains within each undertaking (point 1 of the agreement)
July 1, 2019
Manual for Cooperation Contracts in international Passenger Traffic by Rail (MCOOP)
The MCOOP contains a boilerplate contract and general terms and conditions (GTC) as well as commentaries to these legal instruments which cover the most important legal issues arising from international cooperation of railway undertakings to provide carriage of passengers. It should contribute to legal certainty for international passenger traffic by rail, establish a single set of principles and permit coordinated and efficient management of contracts. The MCOOP is intended foremost for railway lawyers and specialists dealing with organisation and setting up the legal rules for cooperation between railway undertakings.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 July 2019.
82 pages
Appendix 1 : Boilerplate Contract for Cooperation in providing International Carriage of Passengers by Rail
Appendix 2 : Specimen Appendices I – V to the Contract for Cooperating
Appendix 3 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Successive Carriage (GTC Successive Carriage)
Appendix 4 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Substitute Carriage (GTC substitute carriage)
Dec. 9, 2018
Agreement concerning the Relationships between Transport Undertakings in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail
The AIV governs the relationships between transport undertakings providing international passenger traffic by rail; it is based on the CIV Uniform Rules. It provides for standardised handling of claims from passengers for personal injury and death, missing the last connection of the day, delay, cancellation and other missed connections, other service failures and applications for refunds. It governs paying damages and other compensation payments to passengers and sets down the criteria for sharing costs between the carriers.
Applicable with effect from 9 December 2018 / Edition 9 December 2018
51 pages
Appendix 1: Accident declaration
Appendix 2: Allocation of delay compensation - statement
Annex 1 to Appendix 2: RCF1 letter on accounting aspects of the allocation of delay compensation
Appendix 3: Specimen form to exchange dossiers
Appendix 4: Specimen form to exchange information on delayed trains
Appendix 5: Agreement on access to TIS/Europtirails’ data on international passenger trains
Annex 1 to Appendix 5: List of the persons responsible for the application of CIT’s multilateral agreement on access to TIS data on international passenger trains within each undertaking (point 1 of the agreement)
July 1, 2019
List of CIT members who apply the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR)
List of members of the CIT who have declared their willingness to apply the GCC-CIV/PRR to national and/or international contracts of carriage with travellers.
Edition 1 July 2019
1 page
July 1, 2018
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2017 - Edition 1 July 2018
8 pages (excluding appendices)
July 1, 2018
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respec of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
Corrigendum adopted by the CIV Committee in June 2018
Applicable with effect from 1st July 2017 / Edition 1st July 2018
8 pages
Oct. 1, 2017
General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers
The GCC-CIV/PRR govern the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers for domestic and/or international journeys.
The GCC-CIV/PRR form a common denominator for all the member undertakings of the CIT. They can therefore be used as a basic contract on which undertakings can build to create their own general conditions (described in the general conditions as special conditions of carriage). Every carrier is therefore called on to draw up special conditions of carriage to meet his own requirements, for example for particular routes, train classes, or fare types. In addition, the are special conditions which apply to various international tickets (with or without reservations), and to Rail Pass tickets.
Applicable with effect from 3 December 2009 / Edition 1 October 2017
9 pages
Dec. 11, 2013
List of CIT members who apply the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR)
List of members of the CIT who have declared their willingness to apply the GCC-CIV/PRR to contracts for the carriage of passengers making domestic and/or international journeys.
Edition 11 December 2013
1 page
Dec. 11, 2016
The Glossary explains the technical terms used in the various CIT documents and gives a translation into the CIT’s other two official languages.
Applicable with effect from 11 December 2016 / Edition 11 Dcemmber 2016
10 pages
Dec. 9, 2018
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT) provides CIT members with an introduction and the necessary standards to issuing international tickets. It is primarily addressed to the staff of railway undertakings who have to deal with the law of carriage, with the issuing of international tickets, with checking those tickets and with customer service.
Applicable with effect from 9 December 2018 / 9 December 2018
197 pages
Appendix 1: Remarks and endorsements on tickets and useful terms in international ticket distribution
Appendix 2: Boilerplate contract for a sub-license between a CIT member and a third party with respect to the use of the CIT security background
Appendix 3: Replacement and fall-back tickets
Appendix 4: Checklist of information which can be used for all kinds of international tickets independently of their fulfilment method
Dec. 10, 2017
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT) provides CIT members with an introduction and the necessary standards to issuing international tickets. It is primarily addressed to the staff of railway undertakings who have to deal with the law of carriage, with the issuing of international tickets, with checking those tickets and with customer service.
Applicable with effect from 13 December 2015 / Edition 10 December 2017
118 pages
Appendix 1: Endorsements on tickets and useful terms in international ticket distribution
Appendix 2: Boilerplate contract of sub-licensing agreements
Appendix 3: Order form for replacement/fall back coupons
Appendix 4: Checklist of information which can be used both on the reverse side of international paper ticket and for all kinds of e-tickets (print@home ticket, etc.)
Dec. 10, 2017
Manual for International Rail Tickets (MIRT)
The revision sets 31 December 2021 as the last date for the issuing of tickets on ticket paper with the old CIT security background 1996/2006, besides many editorial changes.
Applicable with effect from 13 December 2015 / Edition 10 December 2017
92 pages
March 1, 2016
Manual for Cooperation Contracts in international Passenger Traffic by Rail (MCOOP)
The MCOOP contains a boilerplate contract and general terms and conditions (GTC) as well as commentaries to these legal instruments which cover the most important legal issues arising from international cooperation of railway undertakings to provide carriage of passengers. It should contribute to legal certainty for international passenger traffic by rail, establish a single set of principles and permit coordinated and efficient management of contracts. The MCOOP is intended foremost for railway lawyers and specialists dealing with organisation and setting up the legal rules for cooperation between railway undertakings.
Applicable with effect from 1 March 2016
55 pages
Appendix 1 : Boilerplate Contract for Cooperation in providing International Carriage of Passengers by Rail
Appendix 2 : Specimen Appendices I – V to the Contract for Cooperating
Appendix 3 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Successive Carriage (GTC Successive Carriage)
Appendix 4 : General Terms and Conditions for Cooperating in Providing International Carriage of Passengers using Substitute Carriage (GTC substitute carriage)
Oct. 1, 2017
Notice concerning the carriage of dangerous goods in passenger trains * (ad point 6.2 of the GCC-CIV/PRR)
This notice is intended to draw the attention of passengers to the restrictions on the carriage of dangerous goods as hand luggage or registered luggage, or in or on board vehicles (car on train).
The references to the complete set of applicable regulations may be found in of the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail - RID (Appendix C to COTIF).
Applicable with effect from 1 October 2015 / Edition 1 October 2017
5 pages
Oct. 1, 2017
Amendment to the Notice concerning the carriage of dangerous goods in passenger trains
Applicable with effect from 1 October 2015 / Edition 1 October 2017
5 pages
Oct. 1, 2017
Info-table: Provisions for Dangerous Goods carried by Passengers on Board of Trains
Edition 1 October 2017
1 page
Oct. 1, 2017
Amendment to the Info-table: Provisions for Dangerous Goods carried by Passengers on Board of Trains
Edition 1 October 2017
1 page
June 29, 2020
Older versions can be obtained from the CIT General Secretariat.
April 1, 2025
AJC Leaflet
This Leaflet on the Agreement on Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC) is to summarise the content of the AJC and to give passengers an overview of what the participating railway undertakings have agreed to in the form of a commercial gesture.
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey
Date: 1 April 2025
April 1, 2025
AJC Note
This AJC Note was drafted in collaboration between the CIT and the European Passenger Federation (EPF). It is intended as a lay-person’s informal guide to what to do if passengers miss their connection on an international journey and want to benefit from the AJC. Further details about the AJC can also be found in the AJC Leaflet on this website.
Date: 1 April 2025
April 1, 2025
Agreement concerning Journey Continuation in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AJC)
The AJC governs the relationships between railway undertakings that take action to support international passengers in the event of disruption to their journey.
Applicable with effect from 1 July 2019 / Edition 1 April 2025